I finally got my year end letters out for support. (shameless plug: http://freepdfhosting.com/9d473a7691.pdf ) and if i can just say, its scary stuff to be sitting in my room able to do nothing but pray. i literally have to leave everything in the hands of the Lord and trust that he's going to supply for my needs. i mean, i've raised support before, but this time its different, i'm a career missionary! oh my word i really can't explain how that feels. I'm reading a very well timed book right now called God's smuggler. its the autobiography of brother andrew. he was a missionary behind the iron curtian and his stories are incredible! it has been so good for my soul to read about God providing for him time and time again in the most random ways!
i was struck by worship on sunday morning, Jennie (whom i love) was leading alongside our worship director DJ and they sang the song Hosanna by Hillsong. if you have not heard this song, look it up, listen to it. its amazing. anyway, one verse of the song says "i see a generation, rising up to take their place" and when i sang that line i thought of brother andrew. i thought i am the generation, rising up to take the place of men like this. wow.
those are my thoughts.
I hope you have a GREAT Christmas wherever you are. take some time to remember why Christ is in Christmas, not just that he is. Rom 5:1-11.