Thursday, April 16, 2009

Primetime in No time....

i like to think of myself as a well rounded person. So if you were to ask me "hey LB what happened on tv last night?" i could probably tell you. not because i've spend hours watching all of the shows, but because i catch prime time in no time on yahoo and it gives me just enough to SOUND inteligent about tv. (unless we're talking about dancing with the stars because i could go on all day about how i think chuck and juliann should win but probably won't). i understand that sounding inteligent about tv may sound like an oxymoron, BUT people live and die by the thing so i figure i can keep up with our modern culture for conversation's sake.
in other news, it's been a full few weeks and it was great to get to celebrate my baby sister's 23rd birthday (and she's married.. what?!) yea not so baby anymore. but alas we had a good time re-living our childhood at the field museum in chicago. we finally had a day when all six of us could be together which was great, and my friend Rhi now understands me better after spending the day with us.

Easter was good. the power of the day somehow makes me lost. you know that moment when it REALLY hits you? i sang Keith and Kristen Getty's song "the power of the cross" the concept of Christ becoming sin for us really drops me where i stand. and of course the family tradition of cracking easter eggs on eachother's head is always a plus. i tagged mom, dad, bry and even bear without getting even one on my noggin. i win (although if erin were here i know there would have been a much different outcome)

i've now started gearing up for what i like to call "LB gets to live out of a bag for 3 months" the downside is i have to pack for a disney vacation, a trip to idaho, a wedding in seattle, life outside on a hayfield and a final month in costa rica with only one chance to have stuff changed out. between now and may 9th i'm having regular brain storming sessions with myself to figure out how this is all going to work.

I'd now like to take this moment to publically thank my chief of staff Bryana, for her continued support of my administration and for signing up to follow my blog. you're dedication is heart warming.

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