Monday, March 1, 2010

Church hunting

Finding the right church is not an easy task. I had a wise professor once tell our 400 level theology class, "If you find a Perfect Church... whatever you do DON'T JOIN IT!!!! You’ll ruin it." His point was obviously that churches are made up of people and people are not perfect and so if that's what we're looking for in a congregation, we'll be sorely disappointed.

So now I'm trying to find a church. I'm not looking for perfection; I'm looking for a Christ following community of people where I can be challenged in my faith through Biblically sound, relevant teaching and relationships that will spur me on towards growth.
There are hundreds and hundreds of churches in the Twin Cities; I'm just trying to find one.


Bryana said...

We'll be doing the same thing in Boulder :( I really hate to leave the Pursuit. Don't you know a million people there who can point you in the right direction?

Rondell said...

May I suggest the Temple of Compassion and Deliverance in Tupelo, MS? It's off the chain y'all!