Thursday, September 10, 2009

I said I'd blog about struggles.....

I going to a support raising conference this weekend and I must say I'm rather excited about it. As I've been finishing up the 30+ hours worth of homework for it, I was reading the book they assigned. There's a whole chapter in there about single female missionaries, and it meant a lot. through all my preparations for this conference, everything says "consult your wife after finishing this" and I'm continually goin, "NOPE, that part doesn't apply". Not that I want to be married right now or that I'm unhappy with where I'm at. I just don't like that Evangelical America as a culture is bias toward married couples in missions and kind of against single females. But I know that, so I feel better equipt and armed to get my support raising off the ground even more. This conference, I hope, will give me the tools and confidence I need to support raise successfully! can be praying for me :)

1 comment:

Bryana said...

You could marry me and then you could "consult your wife" about all those things.