Saturday, November 21, 2009


Now don't get me wrong... its not my favorite cable television channel. But there's this show on it called Ninja Warrior. Basically its this crazy Japanese show where these men try their hand at a string of insane physical challenges. They either finish by pushing the big red button at the end of the course, fall in the muddy water, or get the challenges but not within the time. G4 apparently thought that the show was awesome (and it is) and bought rights to show it here in america. So they have english subtitles. its hilarious! some of these guys are amazingly athletic. A bunch of them are olympians and other quasi-legit athletes. Every once in a while G4 will hold tryouts to send americans to go compete in the show.  Rarely do the americans pull it off... sad day.
Nagano is deffinetly my favorite. I'm pretty sure he's a real ninja.

1 comment:

Bryana said...

I did my blog updates and yours was the only one that did not make me want to throw up in my mouth and write mean things about the person blogging. so thanks.