Thursday, August 27, 2009

its the legacy that lasts...

My great grandmother was a woman who loved the Lord. From the time I was little I remember every year getting books about missionaries! She was a woman of prayer and a deep commitment to her family. She went to Moody Bible Institute long before I was even born and she created a legacy that would greatly impact me. She was blazing the trail for women at Moody long before I did. Her health as been on the decline for quite a while and as Alzheimer’s set in she would forget things but never forgot who she was in Christ. Even a few months ago, when we saw her last, she remembered her time at Moody, although she didn't remember that she was well into her 90's. When I told her that I had also gone to MBI she said that it must be from her time at Moody that she remembered me :). She died this morning, and I know that she is with Jesus and loving it! She can now remember everything and her body works perfectly. Death is a hard thing to deal with for those of us who are still here, but knowing that she was someone who lived for the Lord in everything she did gives me hope and I'm glad she gets to spend this time and into eternity with her heavenly father.

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