Tuesday, September 29, 2009

October 1, 2009: Day #1. January 8, 2010: Day #100. Faith Goal: 100% in 100 days.

I know many of you are wondering what I'm talking about. Well, this is it. I'm still in Minnesota just finishing up my time here with my Reign Ministries family before heading back to Indiana. God's been whoppin my tail recently about my future, more specifically about raising support to be a missionary. So through a series of God sized moments and convictions, I have decided to support raise full time for the next 100 days. There are many things that go into this new step for me, including making large financial appeals to front load my ministry so i don't have to be working outside of support raising. it also includes meeting face to face with as many people as i possibly can, who i think would be interested in being a part of what God is doing through me at Reign Ministries. I'm going to be giving presentations and making asks and as scary as that is, i'm aslo excited about having more people on board with this ministry.
I believe in what God is calling me to, I have never been more sure in my life about something God's calling me into. So here it is. October 1st is a HUGE day for me. I covet your prayers and i know i have them. I'm going to be going through lists of names of people, praying about who God may be leading to join with me in some way. I have LOTS to do and will require teams of people to help accomplish my goals. If you want to help? let me know. i probably have something for you to take part in.
Here It Goes!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

yea minnesota!

I'm leaving in the morning for Minnesota! woohooo!!! I get to go to Reign staff conference this year and I can't tell you how excited I am. I've always wanted to go, now that I'm staff, I get to. Should be an amazing time of fellowship and good hard work taking a look back to last summer and ahead to next. Plus a few extra days in MN just for fun ;) oh and on the plus side, its not supposed to be CRAZY cold. Low in the mid to upper 40's at night and highs in the lower seventies some days and mid sixties others.
19-29th. MN.watch out northern neighbors, I'm on my way.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Learning....Trusting... Praying....

i watched the message on lifechurch.tv today about practical athiesm: "I believe in God but i trust in money"
whew. heavy hitting. God's shakin things up for me people. shakin it up hard. while i think i now have a pretty good understanding of what it is that he wants from me, i still feel like this week i need to just pray, read and seek what it is specifically that God is asking of ME. one of the quotes in the sermon was "we don't have to ask God for our daily bread because we have enough in the pantry to last two weeks". i had to shrug and admit that it was true. in fact i made toast this morning. (yes. butter and cinnamon and sugar) but this morning as i examined my bank account compared to the bills that are due next week i almost had a minor heart attack. why? because i trust in money. my initial reaction was fear and not prayer. (please don't read this blog and think that what i just wrote was some sick attempt for pitty and money, it wasn't, i'm just trying to get a point accross about trust/money/God)
perhaps my favorite quote in the sermon was "How can you NOT get to know Him and let him mess you up in the best sort of way?!" haha i had to laugh because its SO hard, but SO true.
in a different and yet similar veign of thought.....
I learned a lot at the support raising boot camp this weekend. I'm excited about all the tools i now have to step forward with my ministry and my vision. i want to get face to face with people and share my vision before asking anyone to join my team. i want people to be excited about why i'm raising support. because, well, to be honest, its completely worth being excited about. I have the opportunity to pour my life into the lives of students who will have the opportunity to be used by God to radically change not only the countries we minister in, but their worlds back home! To have a hand in raising up the next generation of followers of Jesus Christ in a powerful way! its deffinetly something I'm excited about. and i want to share that with everyone, face to face, one on one. it may take some time, but its worth it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

ode to Boise.

I get at least 3 hits a day from Boise. Holler back Boise. i know it's probably just Bryana feverishly checking to see if I've shared any more morsels of wisdom.... but i appreciate the representation from your city.

The support raising conference is going REALLY well so far. overwhelmingly convicting. Matt Halseth and I both don't like conviction. Luckily Steve McHargue is there to make sure i follow through with said convictions ;) thanks Steve!!
i have to do a mock face to face financial appeal appointment, not gonna lie... its scary.
....continue to pray as i learn and am challenged!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I said I'd blog about struggles.....

I going to a support raising conference this weekend and I must say I'm rather excited about it. As I've been finishing up the 30+ hours worth of homework for it, I was reading the book they assigned. There's a whole chapter in there about single female missionaries, and it meant a lot. through all my preparations for this conference, everything says "consult your wife after finishing this" and I'm continually goin, "NOPE, that part doesn't apply". Not that I want to be married right now or that I'm unhappy with where I'm at. I just don't like that Evangelical America as a culture is bias toward married couples in missions and kind of against single females. But I know that, so I feel better equipt and armed to get my support raising off the ground even more. This conference, I hope, will give me the tools and confidence I need to support raise successfully!

...you can be praying for me :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

cute and cuddly

This is Tyson and Bear.
They are so stinkin cute. Tyson is my Nephew.... well... he's April's puppy and he loves me. He literally freaks out when he sees me. Don't you just want to play with him!?