Tuesday, September 29, 2009

October 1, 2009: Day #1. January 8, 2010: Day #100. Faith Goal: 100% in 100 days.

I know many of you are wondering what I'm talking about. Well, this is it. I'm still in Minnesota just finishing up my time here with my Reign Ministries family before heading back to Indiana. God's been whoppin my tail recently about my future, more specifically about raising support to be a missionary. So through a series of God sized moments and convictions, I have decided to support raise full time for the next 100 days. There are many things that go into this new step for me, including making large financial appeals to front load my ministry so i don't have to be working outside of support raising. it also includes meeting face to face with as many people as i possibly can, who i think would be interested in being a part of what God is doing through me at Reign Ministries. I'm going to be giving presentations and making asks and as scary as that is, i'm aslo excited about having more people on board with this ministry.
I believe in what God is calling me to, I have never been more sure in my life about something God's calling me into. So here it is. October 1st is a HUGE day for me. I covet your prayers and i know i have them. I'm going to be going through lists of names of people, praying about who God may be leading to join with me in some way. I have LOTS to do and will require teams of people to help accomplish my goals. If you want to help? let me know. i probably have something for you to take part in.
Here It Goes!!!


Unknown said...

This is a huge step for you LB! God is so faithful, and if this is something that He is truly calling you to, then your money will definitely come in. I know it's scary, support raising is never one of those things that makes it to my list of "top 10 favorite things to do," but I will be praying for you. Keep me posted on how it's going. Love you!

..erika.. said...

what an awesome goal!!! the first of each month is my day to fast and pray...so i'll definitely be lifting you up that day and throughout the rest of your 100 days. :)
i love and adore you.

The Halseths said...

Hey, this gets me excited. Way to go! I am praying for you. God is able to do it! Matt