Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome to 2010. AND A CAR!

I am so excited about 2010. I'm not sure why, but it just seems exciting to me. Partially, I'm sure, because there's some life chanage in store for me this year including but not limited to a move to Minnesota. Christmas and New Years was SO great and I loved getting to spend time with my family and friends and celebrate the passing of one year and the beginning of the next.

God is SO good to me, I have a few steps left in order to move to Minnesota, finances... and a car. Well yesterday God cleared one of those two steps. I now own a Black Pontiac Sunfire! Praise God! I still havn't named her and I will be sure to post that when I do :) but what it means for me is that I have a reliable car and supports my mid-february plans to move!!!

1 comment:

J said...

Hello, My name is J.
congrats on the car and I feel great about 2010 as well.
Anyway, swing by my blog if you would like. thanks.
