Friday, July 4, 2008


it´s official. I now have 25 countries under my belt! woohoo. alright so here we are, Cachi, Costa Rica. wow. i can´t really tell you how amazing this whole thing really is. we havn´t done a ton of meandering around yet, but the exploring we have done has been phenominal. this morning, while our students spent some time at a public school doing some work projects and their gospel presentation, Bryana and hiked up through the streets and up into the mountains a little bit. nothing huge but i tell you what, the Glory of the LORD is here! the land is amazingly beautiful and on the side of every mountain is terraced with coffee and bananas growing like crazy. Yesterday was our first official day of ministry down here, what an amazing adventure, we had to hike accross a suspension bridge which was about 150yds over a river... not gonna lie, pretty scary, especially since it was raining and the bridge was a bit wet. the students have done an outstanding job of stepping out and sharing the Love of Jesus Christ with people, dispite the language barrier. it is beautiful to watch the students realize that their love for each other, and for the people of Costa Rica will transcend language barriers.

We also have lots of dogs. and i mean lots of them. it´s kind of sad to see some of them because they´re gross. but some of them are so stinkin cute! we have one, his name is Paco. he chills with our team and follows us around. this morning while the students were getting up i walked up the street to the phone and Paco kept me company.

well, i would have to say once again that rest is really the biggest prayer request. sleep is a precious thing, pray that the hours we sleep are enough to push us through, and if they´re not, that God would provide for the endurance we need. Also pray for safety, some of our students are pretty hard core at soccer and lets just say the ¨sticks¨drama also gets a little dangerous when the students get too into it and beat eachother in the face.

thanks for your prayers!!!

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