Tuesday, April 20, 2010

fighting worker.

I'm doing Beth Moore's Bible study called "Believing God". Note to self, when you're trying to hold onto something and not let it go, don't start a Bible study called Believing God unless you're ready to. Well, acctually, Do start a Bible study called Believing God, because its awesome.
One of the things that Beth Moore encourages participants to do is to keep 3x5 cards handy to write verses God is using in your life. last week Nehemiah 17b-18a really struck me. "Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked." The reason this hit me so hard was the discussion that came along. Sometimes we can be right inside of the will of God and yet still be battling with the enemy. In fact, we can expect it! I want to be the type of laborer who works with one hand and is ready for battle with the other.

1 comment:

Bryana said...

That's awesome. I've heard that before that in the battle is often where God wants you. And why wouldn't he? We're called to suffer as Christ did so it just makes sense. I'm reading Francis Chan's book Forgotten God about reversing our neglect of the Holy Spirit and it's rocking me.