Monday, May 17, 2010

Honoring the Honorable....

So i made the mistake last night of watching the last 15 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan"... fantastic movie... but it makes me cry (a lot). It wasn't so much tears over the horrible things that the young men saw and experienced in WWII, but more because it reminded me about what an honorable man my grandfather was. He parachuted in behind enemy lines as a medic, why? because it paid better and he could support my grandma back home.
By the time i knew my Papaw, his war days were a distant memory that he rarely (if ever) talked about, and even then it was only with my brother or my cousin. But he was so much more than just a soldier, he was a father, grandfather, friend, a mentor and a husband. To me, he was a hero. He was basically superman who could do no wrong. He was the healthiest sick man I've known, and when he died, our world lost an amazing man. He was a great man of faith, a humble leader by example. He loved his family, though often showed it in his own ways. I saw him shortly before he died and he looked at me with tears in his eyes and told me how proud he was of me, I'll never forget that moment.
The greatest comfort i have is that i won't have to live for eternity without him and Mamaw. One day, i will see them again and what a joyous reunion that will be (Mamaw will probably have some sort of prank ready for us)

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